Behind The Lens:

Hello There!! My name is Felicia Johnson and I'm honored you are here, to keep it simple. I've always believed that the best photos are those that are hard to look away from. The kind that catch your eye and make you want to study every tiny pixel. And when you think you've seen it all, you have to look back just once more to make sure you didn't miss anything.

Those are the kinds of photos I strive to take every single day at Flash Exposure Fotography. Photos that are engaging, compelling and worthy of displaying proudly in your home. 

These important lessons have brought clear focus to my photography. When working with people, whether truly confident in their own skin or not, we want each and every one of them to feel beautiful and special the way they are. We truly look for the beauty and genuine qualities in everyone. We firmly believe that we are all uniquely and “wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) by our heavenly Creator in different shapes, sizes, and colors, and hope to use our talents to celebrate that.

Of course we strive to deliver amazing photographs, but above all else, we want our clients to walk away from their portrait experience feeling empowered, beautiful, and a little step closer to loving themselves.”